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Environmental Management

Environmental Management Service

Durack is an environmental management services company that helps companies across Australia with environmental risks management.

Our Environmental Consultants have been helping businesses throughout Australia with their environmental risk management needs for more than 40 years.

These include, but are not limited to, ISO 14001 environmental management system design, environmental auditing, environmental compliance reviews, and the creation of environmental management plans.

Environmental Management System (EMS)

The environmental experts we employ at Durack assist organisations in tailoring environmental management systems (EMS) to their unique operations, objectives, and policies.

Our team starts by carefully considering your environmental objectives.

Once we have done that, we'll review your current compliance and environmental systems, assess your ongoing management practices, policies, and training, and offer guidance on other relevant considerations.

Together, we can create an environmental action plan to help you achieve your compliance obligations and environmental goals.

Environmental Management Plans

Environmental risk consultants provide their knowledge and experience to the development of several Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), such as:

  • Operational Environmental Management Programs (OEMPs) and Compliance Audits - for assessing compliance with environmental regulations and environmental licensing.

  • Construction Environmental Management Programs (CEMPs) - for the supply of a plan and responsibilities to manage environmental risk and compliance throughout construction.

  • Construction-related acid sulphate soil management plans (ASSMPs) - for controlling present or projected acid sulphate soils.

  • Erosions and Sediment Control Plans (ESCPs) - to develop mechanisms for collecting runoff and sediment during construction and to minimise suspended sediment flow in stormwater.

  • Environmental Impacts Assessments (EIAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) - for planning permission and ecological/environmental risk reduction before project implementation.

  • Vegetation Management Plans (VMPs) for controlling vegetation during construction.

  • Examination of Environmental Factors (REFs) for review of all environmental concerns, planning instruments and requirements for the building project.

Environmental Audits

Thanks to our team effort, we can execute audits efficiently and affordably.

Our auditors conduct thorough and detailed audits for clients across Australia. Our audit services are usually followed by detailed reporting and expert environmental consulting services.

We have a commitment to give the highest levels of integrity and promote open communication throughout audits to get the best possible results for your business.

Whether you are trying to meet legal and other requirements with local statutory bodies, Durack provides the most extensive audit expertise to meet your environment assessment services needs.

Expert Environmental Engineers

Durack is an organisation with the operating capacity to anticipate, analyse, and address our clients' present and future concerns in real time.

We have established ourselves as the best possible service in Australia by assembling an impressive group of professional engineers. Our engineers, their professional colleagues, and other external experts will drive and deliver effective and efficient solutions.

Get in touch with Durack immediately if you need Professional Environmental Management services to manage your project in Australia.